The Glossop VAH Project
 Glossop VAH Project
 Glossop VAH
163 - 211 High Street East

Sheffield Road

163 - 211 High Street East

Cowbrook Mill / Hurst Mill
Sheffield Road

90 - 130 High Street East


Sheffield Road sometime between 1903 and 1927 due to the tram tracks with the Commercial Inn on the left with a water trough outside?


Sheffield Road probably around 1930s, houses on far right look 1930s in design and it doesn’t look like there are any wires between the telgraph poles?


Sheffield Road around 1930s, with gas street lights and a tarmacadam road. Some roadworks along the pavement on the right looks new, was this for the gas street lights?


Sheffield Road around 1930s, with gas street lights and a tarmacadam road.